Do not use the createinstallmedia in OS X Yosemite

I tried to create a USB install drive for the OS X Yosemite by using the createinstallmedia provided in the installer (/Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ However, when I booted my MacBook Pro with this home-made USB install drive, the installer says the checksum of installer file is incorrect.

I tried to use different media, the same issue remains.

Finally I made this work by restoring the Basesystem.dmg and copying Packages folder manually. Just follow the Option 2 or 3 in this article.


1. 把网站搬到虚拟主机上了,顺手改了个版。戳这里:


2. 这个blog已经开了快十年了。最早是在MSN Spaces上,后来微软将其改名叫Windows Live Spaces。2010年微软关闭了Windows Live Spaces,强迫所有用户迁移到了。现在我把它也搬到了虚拟主机上自己托管。由于之前历次迁移,很多数据都很错乱,比如有些 图片至今还存在Windows Live Storage上,还有些图像的时间也有错误。我尽最大努力进行了修正。



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