Why does OpenCV use BGR color format ?

Satya Mallick, CEO of OpenCV.org explained in this blogpost:

The reason the early developers at OpenCV chose BGR color format is that back then BGR color format was popular among camera manufacturers and software providers. E.g. in Windows, when specifying color value using COLORREF they use the BGR format 0x00bbggrr

BGR was a choice made for historical reasons and now we have to live with it. In other words, BGR is the horse’s ass in OpenCV.

Author: armadillo

傻傻的笨蛋,什么都不懂的Small Kids,总是在幻想,轻轻地走来,静静地站在那里,默默地看着一切,细细地思考,然后悄悄地离开……永远都不愿意留在这里……You mustn't allow yourself to be chained to fate, to be ruled by your genes. Human beings can choose the kind of life that they want to live. What's important is that you choose life... and then live.

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