今年的装备 Ultralight 轻量化努力

去年八月从Upper Yosemite Falls Trailhead出发去Eagle Peak backpacking的时候,我用的很多装备都是七八年以前购买的,其中背包Kelty Tornado 4200甚至是十几年前我在国内买的。虽然用了十几年但也没什么大问题,唯一的问题就是比较重。

最近半年计划了一条5天的线路(之后再详细讲一讲),这样就需要携带很多食品,加上去年所使用的装备,怕是40 lb都搞不定。于是大概在二三月份的时候,开始盘算着把过去几年攒下的旧装备慢慢进行轻量化升级。

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Plan for 2024 Yosemite Backpacking

Here is the plan I prepared for the backpacking trip in Yosemite National Park, June 2024. I reserved the wilderness permit for Glacier Point – Little Yosemite Valley, and few nights of Pines campground in the valley.

What’s the plan?


Camping in the wilderness of Yosemite NP requires a permit. I already reserved a permit for 2 people from June 18 (Tue.) to June 22 (Saturday., can be changed), for Glacier Point – Little Yosemite Valley trailhead, which is also eligible for Half Dome hiking. It needs to be picked up from the office on June 17. Please see below for more details. And also, we need to follow the wilderness regulation of Yosemite NP. Few important points:

Continue reading “Plan for 2024 Yosemite Backpacking”

San José del Cabo

假期去San José del Cabo住了几天。

总得来说,各方面都要比Cancún差一些。当年麦哲伦通过麦哲伦海峡到达太平洋时觉得风平浪静,是相对于南大西洋惊涛骇浪来说的。太平洋跟太平其实没有什么关系,跟加勒比海相比,完全就是惊涛骇浪。酒店后边的海滩虽然已经是Cortez Sea,但依然风浪巨大完全没有办法下海游泳。



2023 Best Nine

The post features personal travel preferences and destinations including Spirit Island in Maligne Lake, Alberta, Canada; Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan; Pyramid Lake, Alberta, Canada; Half Dome, California, US; Two Jack Lake, Alberta, Canada; Grassi Lake, Alberta, Canada; Fujiyoshida, Japan; and Tunnel View, California, US.


Spirit Island in Maligne Lake, Alberta, Canada.

Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

Pyramid Lake, Alberta, Canada

Half Dome, California, US

Two Jack Lake, Alberta, Canada

Grassi Lake, Alberta, Canada

Fujiyoshida, Japan

Tunnel View, California, US

Fujiyoshida, Japan