
      在日前的Apple 2007全球开发人员会议上,id software合作创始人John Carmack出人意料地演示了id最新一代引擎技术。该引擎被称为id Tech 5,将用于idsoftware未来的游戏中,并可以作为第三方授权,支持PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC和Mac多平台开发.
      id Tech 5引擎Demo演示为一段沙漠山谷中的赛道场景,场景中有旗帜,观众,赛车等等。根据Carmarck说,该引擎使用了超过20GB的独特纹理。"我们这儿所获得的整个世界有独特的纹理,这条赛道包括20GB的纹理。开发人员和美工可以修改整个场景,比如说山顶的颜色,将名字刻在岩石上。他们可以随心所欲地在物体表面上改变,对游戏没有任何影响。"
      从相关新闻稿来看,id Tech 5"实际上消除了过去对美工和设计人员的纹理内存限制,允许在像素级别上对整个游戏世界实现独特的定制设计,并提供了几乎无限的视觉真实性。"该技术可以允许"广袤的户外场景,而室内场景则具有前所未见的艺术细节。"


      使用旋转矩阵工具:构造旋转矩阵变换Trot,则变换后的新向量p’= p*Trot,其中,p’(x’,y’,z’,1),p(x,y,z,1)为向量p’,p的4D齐次坐标表示。

          |t*q1*q1 + c,          t*q1*q2 + s*q3,      t*q1*q3 – s*q2,       0|
Trot =  |t*xq1*q2 – s*q3,    t*q2*q2 + c,           t*q2*q3 + s*q1,      0|
          |t*q1*q3 + s*q2,     t*q2*q3 – s*q1,      t*q3*q3 + c,           0|
          |0,                         0,                         0,                          1|

    其中c=cos(theta), s=sin(theta),t=1-c.



Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 released

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 released

April 8th, 2007

The Debian Project is pleased to announce the official release of Debian GNU/Linux version 4.0, codenamed etch, after 21 months of constant development. Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system which supports a total of eleven processor architectures and includes the KDE, GNOME and Xfce desktop environments. It also features cryptographic software and compatibility with the FHS v2.3 and software developed for version 3.1 of the LSB.

Using a now fully integrated installation process, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 comes with out-of-the-box support for encrypted partitions. This release introduces a newly developed graphical frontend to the installation system supporting scripts using composed characters and complex languages; the installation system for Debian GNU/Linux has now been translated to 58 languages.

Also beginning with Debian GNU/Linux 4.0, the package management system has been improved regarding security and efficiency. Secure APT allows the verification of the integrity of packages downloaded from a mirror. Updated package indices won’t be downloaded in their entirety, but instead patched with smaller files containing only differences from earlier versions.

Debian GNU/Linux runs on computers ranging from palmtops and handheld systems to supercomputers, and on nearly everything in between. A total of eleven architectures are supported including: Sun SPARC (sparc), HP Alpha (alpha), Motorola/IBM PowerPC (powerpc), Intel IA-32 (i386) and IA-64 (ia64), HP PA-RISC (hppa), MIPS (mips, mipsel), ARM (arm), IBM S/390 (s390) and – newly introduced with Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 – AMD64 and Intel EM64T (amd64).

Debian GNU/Linux can be installed from various installation media such as DVDs, CDs, USB sticks and floppies, or from the network. GNOME is the default desktop environment and is contained on the first CD. The K Desktop Environment (KDE) and the Xfce desktop can be installed through two new alternative CD images. Also newly available with Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 are multi-arch CDs and DVDs supporting installation of multiple architectures from a single disc.

Debian GNU/Linux can be downloaded right now via bittorrent (the recommended way), jigdo or HTTP; see Debian GNU/Linux on CDs for further information. It will soon be available on DVD and CD-ROM from numerous vendors, too.

This release includes a number of updated software packages, such as the K Desktop Environment 3.5.5a (KDE), an updated version of the GNOME desktop environment 2.14, the Xfce 4.4 desktop environment, the GNUstep desktop 5.2, X.Org 7.1, 2.0.4a, GIMP 2.2.13, Iceweasel (an unbranded version of Mozilla Firefox, Icedove (an unbranded version of Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5), Iceape (an unbranded version of Mozilla Seamonkey 1.0.8), PostgreSQL 8.1.8, MySQL 5.0.32, GNU Compiler Collection 4.1.1, Linux kernel version 2.6.18, Apache 2.2.3, Samba 3.0.24, Python 2.4.4 and 2.5, Perl 5.8.8, PHP 4.4.4 and 5.2.0, Asterisk 1.2.13, and more than 18,000 other ready to use software packages.

Upgrades to Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 from the previous release, Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 codenamed sarge, are automatically handled by the aptitude package management tool for most configurations, and to a certain degree also by the apt-get package management tool. As always, Debian GNU/Linux systems can be upgraded quite painlessly, in place, without any forced downtime, but it is strongly recommended to read the release notes for possible issues. For detailed instructions about installing and upgrading Debian GNU/Linux, please see the release notes. Please note that the release notes will be further improved and translated to additional languages in the coming weeks.

About Debian

Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system, developed by more than a thousand volunteers from all over the world who collaborate via the Internet. Debian’s dedication to Free Software, its non-profit nature, and its open development model make it unique among GNU/Linux distributions.

The Debian project’s key strengths are its volunteer base, its dedication to the Debian Social Contract, and its commitment to provide the best operating system possible. Debian 4.0 is another important step in that direction.

Contact Information

For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at or send mail to <>.